11 Haziran 2014 Çarşamba

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Off the hook.....

By: Unknown On: 17:49
  • paylaş

  • These weren't actually what I had in mind when I said I had made something that I love. 

    I mean......I do love these.

    They are not finished....well....I don't think they are.

    I cannot decide whether I want to leave them like that, or spray paint the hoops, or add embellishments (they were intended to be a dream catchers).

    I adapted the doily from one found online on a free pattern site. I only liked the first bit.The small one was straight forward. The blue one was more fiddly, as I then had to make up a new bit after the flower and fan as I didn't want to do the rest. I quite liked the blue one being more stringy, but it was fiddly to say the least.

    I like little projects that are quick and satisfying.

    It makes a change from blanket making. I have a blanket on the go though. It's a motif one, but i'm not enamoured with the colour choices thus far. It's a multi coloured one, but the first 4 colours I have used are all similar and they just are like nails on a chalk board when I look at them. I know once I introduce other different colours it will take on a whole new look, but for now I can't look at them. Funny how colour mixes can make or break a project. I've also seen another blanket stitch that has caught my eye....and I have to say......i'm really fighting the temptation to just put the current blanket to one side and start some thing different. I don't like doing that though. I feel once I start that, then it's a slippery slope, and i'll start doing it with everything. For big blankets, I have to be very regimented. I set myself a goal of a certain amount per day to achieve, and I have to reach it no matter what. There's a sense of achievement then each day, and that spurs me on.

    I have such a long list of things on currently on my hook and my project list is tremendous. I quite fancy ticking some bits off the list.....trouble is......I tick off one thing then add another 3 more. It's crazy.

    I was sitting outside sipping a cup of tea (enjoying the bit of sunshine we are having) and the lightbulb went on for a couple more projects i'd like to tackle. One is knitted. Eeeek. I haven't picked up any needles for a while now, I'm really quite rusty again. poop. I'll definitely have to do a bit of planning for that. I might have to trawl ravelry to see if there is a pattern available for anything similar to give me some guidelines. It's a bit ridiculous to do something in the knitting vein without a pattern, especially as i'm a pants knitter, but my idea is simple.....really simple, so maybe I can wing it like I always seem to do.

    Well, we'll see. I feel like crafting again and getting my teeth into something quite lovely.


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