Hello Lovelies,
we have enjoyed such gorgeous weather this week, it's been a wonderful treat.
On Monday there was time for some alfresco crochet......I'm finally on the edge of my latest blanket.........
The sunny weather also prompted me to get stuck into a bit of spring cleaning. My " Celebrating Home" posts have been sadly lacking lately haven't they. I still struggle to keep on top of all the housework and really ought to have a better routine. Oh well, at least I get the urge to have a blitz every now and then. On Monday I washed all the sofa coverings, cushions and crochet blankets. Oh, and all the hats and mittens before packing them away till Autumn. I washed down woodwork and moved lots of furniture to thoroughly vacuum and dust. It's great having easy care blankets that can simply be popped in the washing machine and line dried. The sight of them on the line made me smile.......... I loved the sun illuminating them from behind, making the colours glow......... Tuesday was another gorgeous day and I was keen to go out and make the most of it. Somehow I managed to convince my boys that a walk would be fun ( not easy these days) We headed off to a favourite place of mine Beacon Hill Country Park A wide path led us through trees that were just coming into leaf.......... I loved the frothy appearance of the Silver Birch leaves....... And the still open views made it easy to spot some exciting bird life. This bird of prey was a long way away, we thought it was an owl , but now I look at this zoomed in photo I can see it's not..........
It was big and I'm guessing it could be a Buzzard ?
Soon the gentle incline gets much steeper, the trees thin out..............
And rocky outcrops appear.........
Oh look, it's Old John Tower.....a place I drew last year HERE
Did I mention how much I love high places :0)
There were plenty of folk around who obviously feel the same...........
I think it's great that there is also a car park near the top of the hill and a smooth path to allow access for the less mobile...........
This is The Old Man of Beacon Hill, a face in the rock face :0) ...........
As we descend the hill again I love the zesty green of the Mountain ash leaves...........
And the towering trees.........
We go and investigate the pond ..........
And find loads of tadpoles..........
Just by the car park there is a bird feeding area ( can you see the feeders strung between the trees)......
I loved watching the birds darting around and saw a sweet little Nuthatch that was too quick for me to photograph. I did mange to get some nice clear shots of these colourful Goldfinches........... and a Chaffinch ......... That day we also enjoyed a beautiful sunset......... and the next day I spent some happy time playing with colourful mish-mash of fabric from my stash....I do love patchwork
simple, happy times....I feel blessed.
Jacquie x
18 Nisan 2014 Cuma
Tagged Under: Fotoğraf
Easter Holidays :: Part 5
On: 14:34
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