16 Nisan 2014 Çarşamba

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Easter Holidays :: Part 4

By: Unknown On: 19:38
  • paylaş
  • Hello Lovelies, 
    I have more photos from Sunday that I hope you will enjoy....not as many as my previous post :0)

    Back down in Tissington village the weather was warmer and still sunny......a different world to those exposed hills. After our rest stop I couldn't resist a wander around this picture perfect estate village. 

    We walked downhill.......

    To the Duck pond where daffodils flowered..........

    Oh, so pretty.......

    Another lovely scene..........

    We were in search of a certain shop and wandered along footpaths, past neat gardens..........

    And the cutest stone cottages..........

    This one was called " Nurses Cottage".  

    The traffic in the quiet lanes was mostly feline and very friendly.......

    Everywhere I looked there were pretty places.......

    I loved the bunting and washing on the line here.........

    And mossy stone walls with abundant  wild flowers.........

    Wish I could remember the name of this delicate yellow flowered plant.....it's one I remember from my own childhood.
    edited to add :- thank you Susie.....it's Yellow Fumitory

    This village is famous for it's wells , which are dressed in May..........

    You can read about this tradition HERE

    Ahhhh, this is the place.....

    Isn't it gorgeous

    Look, Sweets are off ration today!

    Eeeeek, how I loved all the vintage paraphernalia.........

    "Edward and Vintage" is an old fashioned sweet shop I had come across on the internet....it looked too good to miss and I wasn't disappointed.

    I did take photos inside but they came out fuzzy as it was quite dark. This is the only decent one......

     If you want to see some better photos of this nostalgic place THIS Daily Mail article has lots.

     We made some purchases of course. One whole room is "pick-n-mix" :0)

    Outside again I loved the hand cart........

    And there was a footpath too.......

    How lovely it would be to buy some sweets and take them on a walk across the fields..........

    But by now we were feeling a little weary. Just time for a couple more photos. More neat stone cottages......

    And one of TISSINGTON  HALL its self. Not easy to photograph into the setting sun, but I love the way it makes these bushes glow..........

    Thank you for all your comments on my previous post about this special day.
    I can't quite believe what stunning weather we are enjoying this Easter holiday........I do hope it's sunny where you are.
    Jacquie x

    P.S. Jane at the lovely blog Plain Jane is kindly offering to organise a bloggers meet up for the end of May .
    Details are at the bottom of THIS post if any of you lovelies are interested.
    And maybe you could spread the word too?


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