16 Nisan 2014 Çarşamba

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Currently Loving.......

By: Unknown On: 19:34
  • paylaş

  • ....Crochet and Cosy....

    Bed socks. I realised I have never shown these before. I made these before Christmas. I was smitten with Yvestown's Christmas Stocking tutorial. I made a couple for my mantel but realised that with a few adjustments I could make a great pair of bed socks. So, voila. No pattern for this. It was just an adaptation of Yvonne's pattern.....a fiddle of adding an extra section to the foot and making a heel.

    I do love these. Simple, yet effective. They are cotton so they are prone to stretching a little, but a hot wash brings them back again.

    I think I would love to make more. I'll add them to my HUGE list of things to make.


    ....Latte's in my gardening cup....

    A really useful cup I have had for a couple of years. I picked it up on the sale shelf at my local garden centre. I knew it was a gem waiting to be had. It has a neat little suction cover that sits on the top and keeps my coffee hot whilst i'm out in the garden working. The bright yellow sunshiny colour and the little seedling on the top make it a perfect outdoor cup for my latte. It makes gardening so much sweeter. I am not the best gardener. Actually i'm pants. A few weeds pulled and I start to moan at the exhaustion of it all!


    .......Blue skies, warm days and gentle breezes.....

    I'm loving being out and about and having doors and windows open again. Having so much rain these past few months, I appreciate it all the more.


    ....Making this.....

    I love making this at the moment. I love eating this at the moment. It can be adapted to make it more suited to smaller children also. I love playing about with this recipe. Seriously currently loving this. Click here if you fancy the recipe too.



    One of my favourite song lines.


    .....New Television Series....

    Image : Google

    I am a sucker for these kind of things. Loved 'Angel' and 'Roswell' and liking this.


    .....Lego art.....

    A heart, a flower and an 'I LOVE YOU' made for me by Baby Bear. I just love these. They will eventually go in my 'forever' box, but for the next few years they are staying on display.


    ......Discovering something new, and not getting enough of it.....

    Piano, violin, cello and a dreamy voice sells it to me every time.



    Yes I know it may get boring, but seriously, having a room that is clean and fresh and tidy is really something for me to get excited about. I live with three VERY messy boys, it's chaos most of the time everywhere. It's a small little space, but it's my little space and it's working for me. I know that many of you have requested to see more of it. Well, actually there's not much more to show! It's hard to capture a small galley kitchen well, and I couldn't find my other lense for my camera so only had my macro lense, which was no help. I took pics on my phone, so they are not the best quality, but hey ho, there you go.....

    I still have a wooden shelf to put up on this side below the wall cabinets. Just a thin one cut from the left over wooden worktops to keep my spice jars and oil bottles on.

    Our kitchen is south facing so gets a huge amount of sunshine which I love. I chose the wall cabinets to go right up to the ceiling. Before, I had old units that stopped halfway up the wall, and then a whole heap of kitchen rubbish was shoved on top and it looked bitty and messy. It looks sleeker now all hidden away, although it does make me look even shorter than I normally am. Eeek! The base cabinets are mainly drawers as they proved to be easier to access stuff. I loathed having to get everything out of a cupboard to get something right at the back all the time. Drawers takes all this away.

    To compensate for a big row of cabinets on one side, only one cabinet was put up on my sink side and shelving was used to open things up a bit. I'm happy about that. I get to faff about a lot with that and it gives me enormous pleasure. One week Rice DK brights, the next pastel hues.....I'm a little sad like that I know.

    So, there it is. The units came from ikea. I am slightly Scandinavian obsessed. I enjoy being in my kitchen now. I even enjoy stacking and unstacking the dishwasher or washing in the sink! Not sure how long that will last but, for now, it's a joy.


    What are YOU currently loving?



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